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Facbook request permission offline access Using facebook off-line access to post on user's wall Simplified example how you can post on user's wall when she/he is not currently logged in or using your application. This is gained by offline_access permission and stored access_token.

Facebook developers application Example of facebook iframe app using graph-API calls through php-sdk This is simple facebook iframe app using new php-sdk. I made it to get familiar with developing apps for facebook. I was pretty much puzzled at first, because there was many ways and apis to achieve things. Therefor I share this example and hope it helps other beginners too.

drupal performance screen Drupal 6 theme registry got too big for caching While back I tripped into a problem while developing drupal 6 site. Site got slow and eventually errors started to raise. First php memory limit was exceeded. After I set memory limit bigger new kind of error raised. It was exceeding max_allowed_packet size for mysql.

Key Is password strength validation a good idea? People tend to use same password everywhere and most of them are probably weak. I have that same issue with my passwords too. Time to time I run into sites that need strong password for registering and I am bit annoyed by that.

Drupal - aliases list Automatically creating alias paths in Drupal 6 module This post describes one way to automatically set alias paths in drupal 6. In most cases you can get away with powerful pathauto module. But it if not, you may check this example out.

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I am co-founder of web/media studio GIVE me. and (android)developer at start-up named Choco. Read my about page to learn more.