Zend framework example app with base modules suitable for startups

Simple php appliciation written using zend framework. There is only basic functionality implemented. I wrote it based on example originally shipped with zfw. It has user magangment, registration and profile with settings. Even though it's not completed yet it still could be useful base for startups where this kind of basic functionality is often needed. Main goal would be to build small, lightweight, easy to undestand and sleek base for any custom project. Default "design" is based on famous front-end framework Twitter Bootstrap. You have to add this manually into project at moment.

Live demo is here and you can download or view source at github.

Users and their accounts

Sample includes user profile with login and logout actions. Also settings page where user can modify it's account. Users managing controller is only accessible by users with admin role. Admin can list, create, update and delete users (CRUD).

Roles and permissions

There are currently 3 example roles implemented using Zend_Acl.

  • guest
  • user
  • admin
There are allowed controller/action "pairs" defined for each role. Currently hardcoded straight into code.

Key components used

  • Uses Zend_Acl for permissions
  • Creating forms trough Zend_Form
  • Zend_Controller_Front for MVC
  • Twitter Bootstrap frontend framework

Future ideas

I want to add facebook login/register and some kind of base module for listing items and search form it on public side. That could be used as base for various modules. Language selection is also must-have.


There is of course others out there you should check out also. I find these more thought-out and sophisticated with stronger codebase and contributors which brings more confidence.

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I am co-founder of web/media studio GIVE me. and (android)developer at start-up named Choco. Read my about page to learn more.